cover image: Appendix - Country ISO Code


Appendix - Country ISO Code

4 Feb 2022

“Accp” is the percent of the population’s poorest (15 years of age and older) with a bank account; “finexp” is the percent of those 15 years of age and older without an account because it is too expensive; “fintrust” is the percent of those 15 years of age and older without an account because of a lack of trust in financial institutions; “borrowfp” is the percent of those 15 years of age and older. [...] Emoneyrel is the relative importance, as a percent of total cashless payments, of e-money transactions; card_debitrel is the relative importance, as a percent of total cashless payments, of debit card transactions; card_creditrel is the relative importance, as a percent of total cashless payments, of credit card transactions; cards is the total number of debit and credit cards per inhabitant. [...] The scores aggregate four characteristics for which a gap is calculated as the difference in population (15 years and older) versus poorest 40 percent of the population (15 years and older) who owned a debit card, owned a credit card, used the internet to pay bills or to buy something online in the past year, or made or received digital payments in the past year. [...] 18 Percent of GDP Percent of GDP Argentina - 12 Argentina - 12 Argentina - 18 Argentina - 15 Australia - 17 Argentina - 18 Brazil - 16 Brazil - 14 Canada - 15 Brazil - 17 India - 13 France - 14 India - 16 Germany - 13 Indonesia - 12 India - 12 Indonesia - 15 India - 18 Indonesia - 18 Indonesia - 17 Italy - 14 Italy - 16 Italy - 17 Japan - 15 Japan - 13 Korea - 14 Japan - 16 Mexico - 13 Korea - 12. [...] Figure A8: Inflation Rates in Select Advanced Economies (1960–2017) 19 Millions Argentina - 12 Argentina - 17 Australia - 15 Brazil - 13 Brazil - 18 Canada - 16 China - 14 France - 12 France - 17 Germany - 15 India - 13 India - 18 Indonesia - 16 Italy - 14 Japan - 12 Japan - 17 Korea - 15 Mexico - 13 Mexico - 18 Russia - 16 Saudi Arabia - 14 South Africa - 12 South Africa - 17 Turkey - 15 United K.


Pierre Siklos

Published in
