cover image: Occasional Publication 100


Occasional Publication 100

In what was termed as a ‘Matter of Great Public Importance Touching upon the Independence of the Judiciary’, the person holding the highest judicial office in the land sat as a judge on his own case. [...] For example, while hearing the matter pertaining to the applicability of the Right to Information Act to the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice of India made an astonishing statement. [...] are given for the express All these immunities are given for the express purpose of the advancement purpose of the advancement of the cause of justice. [...] It negates the the idea of the rule of law if the judge in question is allowed idea of the rule of law if the judge in question to continue to function during is allowed to continue to function during the the course of inquiry into any course of inquiry into any serious allegations. [...] The law and the procedure must also engage with how the Vishakha guidelines can be made applicable to the judiciary, the extent to which the right to information is allowed, and so on.
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