cover image: Rowzaneh Be Iran EXHIBITION - 24 to 30 July 2019 1


Rowzaneh Be Iran EXHIBITION - 24 to 30 July 2019 1

21 Oct 2019

by Madan Gopal Singh The speaker constantly updated the audience with lucid 17 July 2019 explanations of the meanings of the passages, and the mood variations that they fielded, focusing on the The Music Appreciation lec-dem by Madan Gopal Singh compositions of Shah Hussain and his references to ‘Ram’, addressed the difficult journey of Sufi sects in the period to Khusro and his references to life. [...] The slides in the background had the philosophy and the Indian view of the world. [...] In a series of four lectures, through 35 art objects, he delved into the earliest histories of the region, the cultural identity of its inhabitants, new understandings of the role played by Gandhara in the development of Buddhism, and the later histories of the area. [...] and demystified the identities of the children surrounding Naman Ahuja ended his marathon series of lectures with her, who represent the Buddhist Priyankara, the Egyptian the poignant story of war rugs that have flooded the Harpocrates, the Hellenic Dioscuri, the Phoenician temple market, and have woven motifs of rifles, tanks, helicopters boy, the Hindu Kartikeya and the Zoroastrian twins, thus a. [...] In the trio of poems called ‘Goddess’, she the secular, the erotic and the spiritual does not exist in the looks at the notion of the divine feminine, which for her Bhakta tradition, which is a living tradition and a legacy was a theoretical idea till she met her local goddess in in India.
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