cover image: The Impact of New Technologies on Publishing.


The Impact of New Technologies on Publishing.

19 Mar 2008

It is impossible to list them all but here are a few: the despondency of many learn ed societies in the face of rising publishing costs, the tragedy of newspaper closures, the anxiety of publishers about the effects of the "photocopying explosion". [...] The larger the store of information available and the more efficient the methods of securing access to it selectively, the better are the chances of today's entrepreneur. [...] The bindery is the most labour-intensive section of the prin ting works and for this reason alone is likely to be the subject of considerable develop ment in the next ten years. [...] Particular examples include electronic composition, the auto- 12 M. Yuri GATES: Developments in the printing industry mation of cameras, enlargers and photographic processors, the automation of the set ting up and running of the printing press and the automation of bindery operations. [...] McCarn was referring to the relative cost effectiveness of consulting the printed Index Medicus as compared with the use of a terminal to retrieve references from the MEDLINE system, but the same kind of relationship would ¡n principle exist in the case of certain types of primary literature.


European Commission

Catalogue Number
Publications Office of the European Union
Published in
© European Union
