cover image: DIALOGUE FORUM GUIDEBOOK CO-CREATE - Dialogue Forum



5 Apr 2022

If using the digital Dialogue Forum tool, the moderator pre-populates the idea box on listened to, because they are the ones that’s going the canvas before the participants enter the to be inheriting this world.” online room. [...] Chloe MacKean, The Food Foundation 16 P L A N – D I S C U S S – A C T Participant registry Opening and closing plenary Bring the participant registry to the Dialogue session Forum and keep track of the participants as they arrive at the venue or enter the A plenary presentation is a great way of online room. [...] The physical tool also includes an to engage people in your The canvas is structured and divided accompanying set of materials needed according to the five steps of the to execute the steps of a Dialogue community or country to come Dialogue Forum. [...] • Connect: the inside cover includes a section where participants can exchange contact information to stay in touch after the Dialogue Materials 20 P L A N – D I S C U S S – A C T STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO THE PHYSICAL DIALOGUE FORUM The next section will describe Step 1: who we are Present the idea each step of the physical As a participant, you will be given a name By referring to the pre-filled ide. [...] The cards include the name and goal of the step, a description of the activity, the duration of the activity, speaking points for the moderator, and illustrations of where the activity is being performed on the canvas.
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