cover image: Water Conflicts Are on the Rise - Martin Armstrong


Water Conflicts Are on the Rise - Martin Armstrong

6 May 2022

Water Conflicts Are on the Rise Apr 20, 2022 The number of water conflicts is increa- sing in most regions of the world, as shown in this infographic based on data from the Pacific Institute. [...] As a consequence, the world needs a new scien- tific agenda for water that is capable of helping As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate governments, the financial sector, communities Change recently reported, the world is not doing and companies navigate the uncertain waters nearly enough to bolster defences to risks and brought about by rapid changes in climate. [...] Now, they must replicate this mo- unpredictable water resources, offering – amidst mentum for adapting to the inevitable impact of all the uncertainty – the means to transition to climate change by building the same sense of ur- a water-secure world. [...] The water sector will benefit from the expe- year and are only likely to grow as the impact of rience of other sectors in adopting new solutions as it rising temperatures and an intensifying water works to ensure universal access to safe drinking water, cycle becomes more apparent. [...] Generating the science needed for a water-secure world will help the world win the race to withstand climate change depleted soils for agriculture, helping to solve the water- and achieve the ambitions of the UN’s 2030 energy-food nexus.



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