cover image: Indiginous



11 May 2022

Indiginous Stewards of the Sacred Land: Indigenous Peoples and Community Conserved Areas FPE, in its mission to pursue and spark holistic and lasting change in the field of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development (BCSD) in the Philippines, utilizes a participatory and comprehensive knowledge- based approach to decision-making as well as to actual implementation and execution of progr. [...] FPE, in its mission to pursue and spark holistic and lasting change in the field of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development (BCSD) in the Philippines, utilizes a participatory and comprehensive knowledge- based approach to decision-making as well as to actual implementation and execution of programs and projects. [...] Even well before the arrival and establishment of modern industrialized societies, indigenous peoples and their communities have relied upon traditional knowledge and adapted cultural practices to enjoy the myriad resources and benefits provided naturally by biodiversity. [...] More than protecting nature, therefore, BCSD through the direct efforts and leadership of IPs and ICCs is about preserving and perpetuating tradition and identity. [...] (FPE) In the political sense, IPs and ICCs also play a crucial role in mediating between policies and legislation made on the national-level and the actual impact that these statutes create on the ground.
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