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FPE - Funded Researches

11 May 2022

This research was put together to gather baseline information on the charcoal industry in the area, concentrating on the cities of Talisay and Silay and the municipalities of E. [...] It was designed to identify the production sites and measured the scale and economic value of the charcoal industry within the district. [...] The study was conducted from December 2011 to April 2012, using surveys, interviews, and focused group discussions to draw out the perspectives of the charcoal producers, PO and local government officials, and other informants on the ground. [...] The amount of product also depends on the availability of the woods (usually Ipil-ipil, Madre de Cacao, and other fruit and native trees) used, which have been proven to be already scarce in the area. [...] The local communities suggested the provision of alternative livelihood programs by the government, as well as the formation of cooperatives and improvement of farm-to-market infrastructure.
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