cover image: Gender Mainstreaming in the Mongolian Financial Sector and Guidelines for Developing Feminized Financial Products


Gender Mainstreaming in the Mongolian Financial Sector and Guidelines for Developing Feminized Financial Products

3 May 2022

The leadership and guidance of the The Law on Promotion of Gender Equality Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association (LPGE), which promotes gender equality and (MSFA) and its affiliate financial institutions sets obligations for government and other and partners drive these principles. [...] It is in a unique position to mainstream gender equality Gender-sensitive: Aim of understanding and through the design and adoption of gender taking account of the societal and cultural strategies, products, internal policies, and factors involved in gender-based exclusion building the capacity of relevant financial and discrimination2 institution staff. [...] Source: Bank of Mongolia 4.2.2 Systemically important banks   According to Decree A-105 of the Governor of the Bank of Mongolia, Khan Bank, Trade and 4.2.2 Systemically important banks Development Bank, Golomt Bank, State Bank, and Xac Bank were resolved as the systemically important banks (“SIBs”) of Mongolia due to their contribution to the banking sector, in terms of According to Decree A-105 o. [...] Members of the Saving and Credit Cooperative shall meet at least one of the following requirements; colleagues in the same organization or engage in business in the same trade center in the same district; members of the same association or union-affiliated in similar activities, religious, social, cooperatives, work, job or education group and so on; 20    MONGOLIAN FINANCIAL SECTOR OVERVIEW 4. [...] 21 FINANCIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED BY MONGOLIAN FIs 5 FINANCIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED BY MONGOLIAN FIS The gender-inclusiveness of the products and services of commercial banks and the Top-10 NBFIs were studied in this section, as these institutions account for 91% of Mongolia’s financial sector.
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