cover image: 2022_Rebooting_Europes_China_Strategy_20220510_v05



10 May 2022

Only a Europe confident in its own security can contrib- ∎ ute to peace and stability elsewhere, including in the Indo-Pacific; While the US is the principal guarantor of the security of both Europe and of America’s partners in the Indo-Pacific, the world’s democratic powers are natural allies and must work together in considering strategies to adapt the international ∎ order to the challenge pose. [...] failure to notify the WHO, even though the staff of Yet in the past, the PRC has contributed to the illicit medical facilities in Wuhan and the Taiwanese proliferation of nuclear weapons, notably with regard authorities, alarmed by travellers from China with to Pakistan’s nuclear program and the missile tech- the disease, were already warning of an imminent nology required to deliver nuclear warhe. [...] It will be an The third wave came with the dismantling of the end for the business actors involved, but a means for communist system and planned economies in Central the governments that want to draw on the money and and Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s. [...] and a source of vulnerability: it is an asset as a critical One of the most powerful tools available to govern- input in the quest for economic advance beyond the ments in the context of foreign economic policy is the middle-income trap, and for industrial and military exchange rate of its currency, which affects the prices dominance, but a source of vulnerability insofar as of all internationally. [...] Yet in recent years the CCP the assertive power of the second largest economy leadership has begun to suggest that its own model is in the world, in the area of economic co-operation superior to that of the West.



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