cover image: Appendix 8. Stakeholder Engagement Plan for Project implementation


Appendix 8. Stakeholder Engagement Plan for Project implementation

1 Dec 2020

This document (hereby referred to as ‘the Plan’), describes the Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the implementation of the GEF Project, ‘Investment Readiness for the Landscape Resilience Fund’ (hereby referred to as the ‘the Project’). [...] Table 4: Summary of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan for Project Implementation Stakeholder Method of engagement Periodicity Disclosed information* Members of the Reports from the PMU and the Every six months. [...] Stakeholder Method of engagement Periodicity Disclosed information* Local The support given to the SMEs During the SME presentation and scope, stakeholders, to develop their investment- implementation of including: potentially readiness plans will include the investment- involved or support for the development readiness plan, ● type of service or product benefited from of their own Stakeholder whi. [...] ● beneficiaries of the implementation of the practice; ● investment needs and expected reflows; ● commitments towards the communities; and ● expectations of the communities. [...] The PMU will be responsible for implementing the SEP for this Project; however, the Fund Manager will be responsible for the follow-up on the development of the SEP and reporting the Project’s performance to members of the Board of Trustees.


Breuer, Astrid

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