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STRATEGIC TRENDS 2022 - Key Developments in Global Affairs CSS

9 May 2022

The new generation of hyper- cal assessments of hypersonic technol- sonic weapons combines the main ogy, details some of the most pressing advantages of both ballistic and cruise problems that countries wishing to go missiles: extreme speed and superior hypersonic must solve, as well as the maneuverability. [...] unlike ballistic missiles, spend most The novelty of this system does not lie of their time within the atmosphere, in the combination of an orbiter and hiding behind the curvature of the a hypersonic glider, but rather in Chi- earth. [...] Fur- system has been around for some time ther, the superior maneuverability of and is well known in the form of a hypersonic weapons allows them to rocket-powered space shuttle–that is, access undefended altitudes and to as a vehicle that is lifted by a rocket, shrink the defender’s area of defense. [...] Ultimately, the when the limitations of the technol- military technology represents the ogy come to the fore; 4) the Slope of means to the political ends; only the Enlightenment, which comes with a ways in which the latter are achieved better understanding of the technolo- can be disruptive. [...] gy’s utility; and 5) the Plateau of Pro- ductivity, the stage of a mature appli- Insights from the sociology of technol- cation of the “unhyped” technology.
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