cover image: Research Summary Research into an Authoritarian Regime - IDA’s Welch Award annually recognizes the best external publication by IDA


Research Summary Research into an Authoritarian Regime - IDA’s Welch Award annually recognizes the best external publication by IDA

11 May 2022

IDA sponsors in the Department of Defense were eager to uncover lessons from the invasion of Iraq, to gain an in-depth understanding of Hussein’s regime, and to answer questions about the efficacy of the U. [...] Hussein’s voice Kevin Woods after receiving the Welch Award, flanked on was at the forefront of most of the selected tapes as the left by the award's namesake, General Larry D. [...] Army’s official history of the war, known as “The Green Books.” This was the precedent that the IDA team would use for working on The Saddam Tapes: The Inner Working of a Tyrant’s Regime, 1978-2001. [...] Woods ( is the Deputy Director of the Joint Advanced Warfighting Division of the Systems and Analyses Center. [...] The Welch Award–winning book was the first recipient of the Welch Award.
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