To some extent, this term has been adopted to apply to the higher end of the labour market, with the attention paid to talent, the urgency placed on skills, the promotion of learning organizations and the expectations of individuals to constantly improve themselves to maintain their position in the labour market. [...] The absorption of OW and ODSP employment services into EO, the heightened focus of EO services on those who are further from the labour market, and the desire on the part of the province to increase the number of social assistance recipients moving into jobs will mean that the EO services will be serving clients with more barriers to employment. [...] 26 | P a g e workers at the higher end of the pay scale, while at the same time the share of our Gross Domestic Product going to wages generally has declined.29 The goal of Ontario’s EO transformation, to place a greater emphasis on serving those further from the labour market, is a welcome prioritization of the challenges faced by those typically employed at the low-paid end of the labour force. [...] To some extent, this term has been adopted to apply to the higher end of the labour market, with the attention paid to talent, the urgency placed on skills, the promotion of learning organizations and the expectations of individuals to constantly improve themselves to maintain their position in the labour market. [...] Given the scale of the undertaking, the many Toronto organizations involved in employment services, the City’s interest in advancing inclusive economic development approaches and community benefits, and the continuing role of the City in providing life stabilization support to OW clients, it would be beneficial to explore the different roles which the City and the community sector could undertake,.
Mentioned Organizations
- Pages
- 53
- Published in
- Canada