cover image: EN - Trends and Developments Amphetamines Injecting drug use Cannabis Heroin and other opioids


EN - Trends and Developments Amphetamines Injecting drug use Cannabis Heroin and other opioids

16 Jun 2022

The purpose of the current report is to provide an overview and summary of the European drug situation up to the end of 2021. [...] All grouping, aggregates and labels therefore reflect the situation based on the available data in 2021 in respect to the composition of the European Union and the countries participating in EMCDDA reporting exercises. [...] The Policies and regulatory scope of cannabis policies in Europe is gradually widening and now encompasses, in addition to the control of illicit responses to cannabis are cannabis, the regulation of cannabis for medical and increasingly faced with other emerging uses and forms, including as ingredients in foodstuffs and cosmetics. [...] 18 The drug situation in Europe up to 2022 In summary, changes in methamphetamine production and Developments in Afghanistan: trafficking have created the potential for the drug to become implications for European more available in Europe. [...] Looking to the future, the medium to long-term implications of the war could be potentially profound and will require targeted monitoring of the situation in order to inform the development of appropriate policy and operational responses.
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