cover image: Resilience and Opportunity of Population and Society


Resilience and Opportunity of Population and Society

30 Jun 2022

The need for change is an opportunity for governments to focus on developing the population quality dimension to replace the declining quantity, and implement policies to enhance the potential of the population to be able to cope and have a quality lifestyles in a new normal that may be fraught with volatility and rapid, unpredictable change. [...] The lack of precision and thoroughness in research, understanding, including acknowledging the reality of gender diversity of the population, can be a hindrance to the formulation of appropriate laws, policies, services, and social protections for the sexually diverse groups of the population. [...] 33 Conclusion From the information and results of the above studies, it can be said that COVID-19 has affected the population and Thai society at least in two levels as follows Overall Society Effects The sudden emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic acted as a “catalyst” for change in the demographic structure of the population. [...] 34 Population Behaviors The results of the three studies in the childhood and youth populations in this compendium reflect that the new generation of Thais are having difficulty adjusting to the rigorous personal measures to prevent exposure and transmission of COVID-19. [...] This disparity becomes amplified in a society like Thailand due to the high and increasing proportion of the population that is older person, especially in Bangkok, which has the highest proportion of older persons of any province in the country.
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