cover image: AGRODEP Technical Note 0025 - June 2022 - Robust Trade Integration Indicators


AGRODEP Technical Note 0025 - June 2022 - Robust Trade Integration Indicators

24 Jun 2022

? ? ? ? (? ) = 1 − .,? 2? .,.−(? ? ,.+? .,? ) (10) 2 The index represents the difference (distance) between the distribution of one country’s trade and the distribution of trade in the rest of the world and does not suffer from equidistribution issues. [...] For the Herfindahl-Hirschmann index, the higher the value of the index, the less diversified (more concentrated) the exports of the REC. [...] It measures the distance between the sectorial distribution of a country’s total trade and the sectorial distribution of trade in the rest of the world and is given by: ? ? +? ? 2? ? ? ? ,. [...] The index can be computed for different levels of aggregation and the more aggregated the data, 14 the higher the value of the index. [...] With the exception of ECCAS, the level of intra-industry trade is always higher for intra-continental trade compared to the trade with rest of the world.


Traore, Fousseini (IFPRI-Dakar)

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