cover image: OER Africa - Learning Pathways Pilot Evaluation - June 2022


OER Africa - Learning Pathways Pilot Evaluation - June 2022

30 Jun 2022

The facilitator explained the purpose of the pilot and the process involved, demonstrated navigation, and asked participants to complete the baseline survey before engaging with the LP. [...] Limitations Given the variation in the number of baseline respondents compared with the number of participants that completed the pilot and the endline survey, group percentage analysis was done to ensure that analysis of the data was comparable. [...] The number of readers that can see and access the I will still retain copy right of the work and make it article is reduced hence reducing the number of the work open to the public to access citations. [...] The courses give clear steps and approaches to use when lecturing For course 1: was really relevant as it exposes to the different modalities of learning principle which are key to the learning process and for course II: it provided the different ways to build up the course taking into account the relevant principles of learning that seem appropriate to the audience and learning environment. [...] The findings from the user experience survey and feedback from the post pilot Zoom discussion sessions regarding the efficacy of the design and ease of using the LPs and the relevance of the content reflect very high levels of user satisfaction and very positive results related to the relevance.
Published in
South Africa