Federal Housing Policies Make It Easier to Get a Loan but Not Be a Homeowner

Federal Housing Policies Make It Easier to Get a Loan but Not Be a Homeowner

5 Jul 2022

last week I testified at the House Financial Services Committee hearing Boom and Bust: Inequality, Homeownership, and the Long‐​Term Impacts of the Hot Housing Market. It was not the first time I’ve testified—or written—about these topics, so I wasn’t the least bit surprised how many witnesses (and members of Congress) want to throw even more of other people’s money at the so‐​called housing shortage.But given Rep. Ed Perlmutter’s (D‑CO) comments, I want to keep the record straight.According to Perlmutter (at about the 2:55 mark), I don’t want to do anything about housing supply, and I want to “cut the demand by making sure people don’t have any cash.” But that’s an inaccurate description of what I suggested.


Norbert Michel

Published in
United States of America