cover image: Source material: research and notes from interviews Cameroon - Previous studies


Source material: research and notes from interviews Cameroon - Previous studies

22 Jul 2021

The main forest agency is MINFOF, which is responsible for, on the one hand, preparing the Forest Code to be adopted by Parliament and enacted by the President of the Republic, and on the other hand, allocating and administering forest concessions. [...] The Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) is made up of members of the Government of Cameroon and the EU, with occasional and invited participation of members of the CNS. [...] The Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) is the highest decision-making Committee and consists of the Head of the EU Delegation and the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife. [...] The absence of clear and decisive regulations governing public participation in local authority decisions on the use of forest areas, the development of forest areas and changes in the allocation of forest areas for farming and mining activities undermines an assumption of participation. [...] The monitoring framework developed as part of the VPA process provides a forum for the results of CSO monitoring and other evidence to be used to hold the FDA accountable for all issues of legality in the forest sector.


Mark Olden

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