cover image: Capacity Development and Training for Return Counsellors (CADRE) - MANUAL FOR THE TRAINEES


Capacity Development and Training for Return Counsellors (CADRE) - MANUAL FOR THE TRAINEES

23 Jun 2022

Yet, the approaches of EU Member States to pre-departure counselling continue to differ great- ly in terms of the methods they use, the level and intensity of the return counselling provided, and the extent to which they involve partners in the countries of return. [...] The manual for trainees is the main document for both the return counsellors participating in the training and the trainers implementing the face-to-face training activities. [...] Analytical, methodological and organisational skills A return counsellor should be able to: Use a systematic approach adapted to the personal needs of the migrant; Have conversations with migrants within a limited timeframe; Identify or assess the situation of the migrant and make use of this information to inform the person about their legal prospects13 and have a conversation about the implic. [...] Once communication between the counsellor and the migrant has developed and the process has moved to the consideration phase, the information the counsellor provides to the migrant should be more personalized and adapted to the case. [...] During the decision phase: the level of interaction between the counsellor and the migrant is high; the personalized information that is shared during this phase will form the basis for the migrant to make a choice/decision on the way forward.
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