cover image: Eswatini



11 Jul 2022

Rejoice Nkambule, Director of Health Services, Ministry of Health COUNTRY NUTRITION STATUS PROGRESS TOWARDS Annual country nutrition indicators SUN 3.0 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (SO) from the Global Nutrition Report: S O.1 Strengthen and sustain strong policy and advocacy environments southern-africa/eswatini With support from partn. [...] Subnational MSPs have annual action plans National nutrition plan SO.2 Develop and align shared country priorities for action Eswatini has defined priorities, targets and indicators against which Advocacy and communications framework/plan nutrition efforts will be measured. [...] Priorities were developed in line with key priorities SUN Business Network of regional and international bodies and the 2030 Agenda for UN Nutrition Sustainable Development. [...] leadership and responsibilities of government, aligns the Strengthening nutrition surveillance and data systems for resources of all SUN Movement stakeholders behind country accountability and transparency of nutrition actions. [...] 2021 SHARED COUNTRY GOOD PRACTICE Topic: Multisectoral food and nutrition coordination Title: Strengthening nutrition response coordination About: Eswatini has strengthened its coordination of nutrition interventions and shared responsibilities and has facilitated meetings to identify gaps.
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