cover image: Yemen



11 Jul 2022

The SUN Secretariat and SUN Movement members are in the process of defining common policies, priorities and procedures for a multisectoral approach to SUN networks in-country presence nutrition. [...] The challenge continues to lie with the implementation SUN Civil Society Network of prioritized nutrition-specific actions due to a lack of funding and SUN Business Network a relatively weak partnership between the Government, United UN Nutrition Nations organizations and donors. [...] S O.4 Ensure governance of SUN that promotes country Establishing a Civil Society Alliance and SUN Business Network and leadership and responsibilities of government, aligns the promoting effective networking and coordination across all SUN resources of all SUN Movement stakeholders behind country networks. [...] priorities and strengthens 360 mutual accountability Due to the country’s complex and conflict-affected political context, Aligning the SUN coordination structure with the work to the SUN Movement in Yemen established a second SUN Nutrition implement the national food systems pathway. [...] The SUN Secretariat ensured the dissemination 2021 SHARED COUNTRY GOOD PRACTICE of the nationwide MSNAP to all stakeholders and held several meetings with partners and stakeholders to align actions across Topic: SUN Movement in countries divided by conflict the country.
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