NIGER - Key findings - Displacement in Diffa region - Crisis overview


NIGER - Key findings - Displacement in Diffa region - Crisis overview

9 Jun 2016

to cope with the newly displaced is low, and humanitarian agencies, while present, are It is unclear, but unlikely, whether access will rapidly improve in already stretched to meet the needs of the 241,000 existing displaced. [...] A lack of clear communication on the status of military operations and BH presence in Bosso department seriously inhibit understanding of the situation in places of origin of the displaced. [...] In May, UNHCR reported an increase in malnutrition cases in Women and girls are particularly vulnerable in the context of the Boko Haram protection Kablewa camp. [...] Last year, flooding was worst along the Niger river in the south and centre of the country, and Diffa region avoided most of the bad weather. [...] As of 9 May, the breakdown of the displaced population was: 127,000 IDPs; 82,000 Nigerian refugees; 31,500 returned Niger nationals (OCHA/DREC 06/06/2016; OCHA 03/06/2016) Most of the displaced have settled in towns and host communities in Diffa and N’guigmi departments, or in spontaneous sites along a 200km stretch of the main national highway.



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