cover image: Social protection across the life course - How social protection systems facilitate demographic change


Social protection across the life course - How social protection systems facilitate demographic change

20 Jul 2022

As a result, young women receiving the cash transfers tend to delay the timing of their first pregnancy.133 First steps toward improved coordination of the social support programme Indirectly, cash transfers can also have a In 2013 the Ministry of Finance, Eco- of the measures, simplified the process long-term effect on the fertility rate in Malawi nomic Planning, and Development with of identifyi. [...] In particular, the SCTP appears to year, all of the savings and interest payments be a promising means of lowering fertility Evaluations have shown that the PWP in are divided by the number of shares and paid rates in Malawi in the long run, by reducing Malawi improves neither the food security out to the members. [...] Although the government advertises the for- mation of informal savings groups and offers training on how to set them up, it invests no money in the VSLA themselves.167 28 Social protection across the life course 3 HOW SOCIAL PROTECTION FACILITATES DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE In the course of demographic change, the age Later, governments should extend the scope 3.1 Prior to the demogra- structure of a popu. [...] cost of healthcare, reduces the risk of poverty vulnerable to free healthcare services.10 Poor and improves the health of the population – people, orphans and people with disabilities 30 Social protection across the life course By 2019, half of the population of Ghana was Does a basic pension reduce the 3.2 Harnessing the demographic covered by health insurance.13 Contributions desire to have many. [...] To ensure percent of the population – today it is order to coordinate these better, the the data remains accurate, the register is twice that.21 Over time, it has the potential government pooled all the data from the linked to the national population register.
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