Key Findings Cameroon - Displacement in the Far North - Crisis Overview


Key Findings Cameroon - Displacement in the Far North - Crisis Overview

1 Jun 2015

People In December, 34,500 Nigerian refuges were reported by UNHCR to be from a previous displaced in host families (23%) and people displaced in damaged/unfinished buildings influx which began in May 2013 following the rise of BH related activities in Nigeria are most in need of healthcare (IOM and UNHCR, 19/05/2015). [...] The Shelter and NFIs: In the Far North, 36% of IDPs are staying with host families, 28% most affected departments are Mayo-Sava, Mayo-Tsanaga, and Logone-et-Chari (IRIN, are in rented accommodation, 24% in self-settled sites, 7% in damaged/unfinished 19/05/2015). [...] between in the 1990s, declared its intentions to support the Nigerian army against BH The scope and remit of the regional force is unclear; failure to maintain control over in January 2015, led by Chad and including forces from Niger and Cameroon. [...] The State of Emergency expired in November 2014 after the Nigerian The region is composed of six departments and had a population of 3,945,168 in 2015. [...] and money to people in need of food in the Far North.



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