cover image: IIC Quarterly - Summer 2022


IIC Quarterly - Summer 2022

12 Aug 2022

RAMASWAMY 184: CONTRIBUTORS EDITORIAL This issue of the IIC Quarterly is a general one, not thematic, but a number of articles reflect on recent landmark events in interesting ways: 75 years of India’s independence; the 50th anniversary of the initiation of diplomatic relations with Bangladesh; the Taliban coming to power in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of American forces; and the internationa. [...] She examines the roles of Gandhi, Nehru and Patel in the freedom movement, how Nehru came to be the first Prime Minister of independent India, and the current twist being given to historical facts. [...] A third paper on the theme of India’s independence and thereafter, by Lord Bhikhu Parekh, examines the relevance of Gandhi in contemporary India. [...] Bangladesh’s journey as a sovereign nation began in 1971 and during the half century since, has seen its polity and society evolve through a bitter, often violent, confrontation between two forces—the Awami League and its allies on the one hand and the Bangladesh Nation Party, the Jama’at-e-Islami Bangladesh and allies, on the other. [...] It is imperative to ensure that children do not remain out of school and in labour, otherwise the gains made in the past decades will be irrevocably reversed, putting the lives of thousands of children into peril and an uncertain future.
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