In about a hundred words on Ukrainian Independence Day


In about a hundred words on Ukrainian Independence Day

23 Aug 2022

Despite attempts by Russia to subordinate and strip Ukraine of any form of national agency, the country remains standing and a glowing example for the democratic world to follow. [...] And pride for the determination and courage of the Ukrainian people to defend their freedom and future. [...] I have pride in the resilience of my country and its people, sorrow for those who have lost their lives, fear for the lives of imprisoned Zoriana Mishchuk Ukrainians and those in occupation, and worry about the challenging times Senior Fellow, GLOBSEC Ukraine ahead. [...] It is a tributary day to all the people of Ukraine who have paid with their lives for us to have the ability to see the sun and breathe fresh air. [...] Ordinary Ukrainians destroyed the myth of the invincibility of the Russian army and were able to stop the second strongest army in the world.
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