The open- the government-citizens relationship mo- ness inherent in ICT-based services facili- del or Government to Citizen (G2C) through tates the achievement of the goals of the ICT. [...] Furthermore, the In the end, the emphasis of this book State of Honduras implements the ES com- is described in the seventh chapter, and it munity system which is an element of The refers to the efforts that create an electron- Sustainable Development Network pro- ic-based democracy or E-Democracy. [...] the application of ICT in the corridors of a Therefore, the implementation of E-Go- democratic system opens the door as wide vernance in developing countries is only as possible for active participation, directly at the stage of acceleration. [...] Based on data tionship in which the government conveys from the United Nations E-Government information to the public so that they can Survey 2018, Denmark has been the first take part in the democratic system. [...] Especially with the added flex- ibility in presenting the text, it gives a new nuance to the scientific perspective of the author who is a Public Administration edu- cator.
- Pages
- 4
- Published in
- Croatia