


11 Jul 2022

However, in 2021, the Advocacy and communications framework/plan Government signed a tripartite agreement with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the government agency Taazour to cover 50 per cent of the costs of nutritional supplies in 2021, 75 SUN networks in-country presence per cent in 2022 and 100 p. [...] Yes In process No Costed M&E framework SO.4 Ensure governance of SUN that promotes country leadership and responsibilities of government, aligns the resources of all SUN Movement stakeholders behind country COUNTRY PRIORITIES 2022 priorities and strengthens 360 mutual accountability The decree on the National Nutrition Development Council, Updating and budgeting framework documents for the coverin. [...] the national and subnational levels (revising the 2010 decree), Improving the effectiveness of multisectoral coordination, was adopted by the Council of Ministers in January 2022. [...] The especially at the subnational level, and refining the planning and multisectoral platform is operational and all its networks have been implementation of nutrition interventions. [...] A framework is still Enforcing the existing regulatory framework and implementing needed for the monitoring and evaluation of interventions by sector a system for the monitoring and evaluation of interventions to target outcomes of the Common Results Framework.
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