How do development finance institutions support national development goals? - SEI policy brief Key messages


How do development finance institutions support national development goals? - SEI policy brief Key messages

31 May 2022

The report comprehensively assesses the role of DFIs in supporting development objectives in three countries – Kenya, Ethiopia and Ghana – and asks about their development plans and whether DFIs allocate resources to sectors that each country identifies as strategic priorities (see Table 1). [...] DFIs and national development plans We interviewed six DFIs in our study, first to explore how they use development plans, and second to learn the extent to which they engage and liaise with governments and other actors in sourcing and developing projects for investment and throughout a project's lifecycle. [...] Identify: The first step is to identify the strategic sectors that governments are looking to develop, mainly to understand the dynamics of economic and social impacts that government strategies seek to achieve and whether these outcomes are achievable and based on sound strategies. [...] Engage: After DFIs have identified a role in funding strategic sectors, they should engage with three key groups of stakeholders: • Representatives of interested sectors: Discussions with, for example, firms of different sizes and business associations would help DFIs understand current financing and technical constraints that inhibit the growth of firms in the strategic sector and how DFIs could. [...] • Interaction with governments: The aim of such discussions would be to: Published by – make the government aware that the DFI is interested in contributing Stockholm Environment Institute to the growth of target strategic sectors, and to then set up official Linnégatan 87D, Box 24218 communication channels between the government and the DFI 104 51 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 8 30 80 44 – make the.
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