cover image: The Human Right to Science: From Fragmentation to Comprehensive Implementation?


The Human Right to Science: From Fragmentation to Comprehensive Implementation?

18 Aug 2022

The Human Right to Science: From Fragmentation to Comprehensive Implementation? 3 THE NORMATIVE FRAMEWORK OF THE RIGHT TO SCIENCE Enshrined in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948), the fundamental right to science and culture seeks to guarantee that 1) “Everyone has the right… to share in scientific advancement and its benefits” and 2) “Everyone has the right to th. [...] 4 Research Papers respect, to protect, and to fulfill the right to science, enjoined non-governmental organizations to also contribute to the achievement of the right, and raised the discussion on the impacts of privatization of science on the fulfillment of the right to science (Boggio & Romano, 2018). [...] The report on the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications by the Special Rapporteur (SR) on Cultural Rights (Shaheed, 2012) highlighted the importance of freedom of research as a requirement to enjoy the right to science; linking the right to science to the achievement of human dignity and the ability to aspire for a better future; and discussing how the right to sc. [...] 3 See also Article 13 of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, and Article 14 of the Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights also refer to the right to benefit from and participate in the intellectual progress and scientific discovery (Boggio & Romano, 2018). [...] The right to science encompasses both the protection of the producers, enabling conditions for the production of scientific knowledge, on the one hand, and universal access to and use of science and its benefits, on the other.
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