MDB Insight – The Gig Economy and its Effects on Racialized and Immigrant Populations in Toronto

MDB Insight – The Gig Economy and its Effects on Racialized and Immigrant Populations in Toronto

23 Aug 2022

50 MDB Insight – The Gig Economy and its Effects on Racialized and Immigrant Populations in Toronto Page i (Page intentionally left blank) MDB Insight – The Gig Economy and its Effects on Racialized and Immigrant Populations in Toronto Page 1 Executive Summary MDB Insight – The Gig Economy and its Effects on Racialized and Immigrant Populations in Toronto Page 2 MDB Insight – The Gig Economy and i. [...] Context: The Role and Impact of the Gig Economy MDB Insight – The Gig Economy and its Effects on Racialized and Immigrant Populations in Toronto Page 8 The gig economy is not just a buzzword anymore; it is a growing part of the modern labour market. [...] This section highlights the largest components of the gig economy, the impact of the economy on racialized and immigrant populations, the effects of working in an unregulated environment, and the role COVID-19 played. [...] Strategic Directions and Recommendations MDB Insight – The Gig Economy and its Effects on Racialized and Immigrant Populations in Toronto Page 23 The findings of this research project support the premise that the gig economy is and will continue to be a key economic driver for the city of Toronto. [...] Context: The Role and Impact of the Gig Economy Components of the Gig Economy Impact on Disadvantaged Groups COVID-19 and the Gig Economy Regulating the Gig Economy Measuring the Gig Economy Policy Considerations from Other Jurisdictions for Toronto’s Gig Economy 3.


Evelyn Paul

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