cover image: PRANAM NAMASKAR



4 Nov 2022

4 Organization • Evolution of Public Policy Education • Select Inspirational Thoughts and Observations Relevant for Public Policy Education in India • Population As an Example of Public Policy Issue • Why Countries/Regions Regress? Some Observations • Concluding Remarks Evolution of Public Policy Education • Over the past several decades, the academic programs in teaching of government have witnes. [...] With clear explanations of the entire field, from rent control and the rise and fall of businesses to the international balance of payments, this is the first book for anyone who wishes to understand how the economy functions. [...] • Compared to the public attention devoted to the executive arm, relatively limited attention is paid to the legislature and judiciary. [...] • Combinations of failures of the three basic institutions of capitalism mean that individuals and groups often have more to gain by spending time and resources in lobbying, criminal activity, and other ways of shifting the distribution of income in their favor. [...] • Failure to reward merit; and create conditions to retain and attract talent • award merit14 Concluding Remarks • A well designed multi-disciplinary public policy program, which is rooted in Indian conditions, and which is skills-based, could play an important role in helping to improve public policy debates and scholarship in India.


Mukul Asher

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