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FINAL REPORT // - Updating and integrating LOCATE datasets and maps

20 Sep 2022

The Single Operation within the programme is implemented by the ESPON EGTC and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the EU Member States, the United Kingdom and the Partner States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. [...] Map of final energy consumption for space heating, DHW and space cooling in buildings of the private service sector in 2018 [MWh/capita] ESPON // 15 REPORT // Updating and integrating LOCATE datasets and maps 3.5 Set 5: Share of renewable energy carriers in final energy consumption for space heating, domestic hot water production and cooling in buildings of the residential sector (in %, 2. [...] In consecutive steps, the energy consumption of each energy carrier was assigned to each region according to the availability indicator of that energy carrier compared to the other energy carriers by ensuring that the total consumption of all energy carriers aligns with the total energy demand in each region and that the total energy demand per energy carrier in all regions meets the national cons. [...] ESPON // 17 REPORT // Updating and integrating LOCATE datasets and maps 4 Analysis of the territorial trends: energy consumption patterns and potential for renewable energy sources In the update of the above-mentioned energy indicators and development of the relative maps, some trends emerged concerning energy consumption patterns and the potential for the production and use of renewable. [...] Between 2012 and 2018, the residential sector shows the greatest increase in the share of renewable energy in heating and cooling final energy demand in Finland, Lithuania, Portugal, Greece, and Denmark, while in the service sector, strong increases took place in Portugal, Italy, and Greece.


Nette Stilling

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