cover image: Djibouti



11 Jul 2022

Fatouma Ali Abdallah, Director of Mother and Child Health, Ministry of Health COUNTRY NUTRITION STATUS PROGRESS TOWARDS Annual country nutrition indicators SUN 3.0 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (SO) from the Global Nutrition Report: SO.1 Strengthen and sustain strong policy and advocacy environments eastern-africa/djibouti Djibouti has. [...] The multisectoral National multi-stakeholder platform (MSP) action plan for the National Nutrition Policy is still in draft form, Date established: with technical assistance needed for its budgeting and finalization. [...] National nutrition plan Draft Multisectoral Operational Action Plan for Nutrition 2021–2025 SO.2 Develop and align shared country priorities for action Advocacy and communications framework/plan Djibouti does not yet have a resource mobilization strategy for nutrition. [...] SO.4 Ensure governance of SUN that promotes country Improving systems for the monitoring and evaluation of leadership and responsibilities of government, aligns the multisectoral nutrition interventions. [...] However, the governance of nutrition would benefit from a high-level institution to coordinate all nutrition-specific and -sensitive interventions, including those of the National Nutrition Programme and NNFCA.
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