Technology transfer and potential of cooperation with SMEs.


Technology transfer and potential of cooperation with SMEs.

25 Mar 2022

Since decades the economists have recognized the technology transfer as the heart of the process of economic growth and that the progress of both developed and developing countries depends on the extent and efficiency of such transfer.”4 In general, the term ‘technology transfer’ indicates the movement of knowledge, skills, know-how, and other valuable assets of the organization which is driven by. [...] The image of this stage will be determined by the form of cooperation between the startup and the corporation, whether we will be dealing with a startup-provider of solution X or the startup will be the subject of an M&A transaction (Merger & Acquisition). [...] The SCR scale also gives a picture of how to develop competences in the field of such cooperation and when to include subsequent mechanisms that allow for the maximization of benefits related to involvement in the development of innovations and startups. [...] facilitating the startup and corporation to work together: • Precise articulation of expectations, needs between the entities • Advising on the creation of common rules and goal setting between the startup and the corporation • Helping to find the right people in the companies • Supporting the partners so that the balance between the startup and the corporation is maintained 3. [...] The TAURON Progres acceleration program is dedicated to entities working on solutions that fit in with the challenges faced by the energy industry, In the program they look for entities with whom we will cooperate in the development of innovative solutions, allowing for the expansion of the current offer of TAURON Group companies with new products and services, but also having an impact on the imp.


Anna SowaJ

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