NAMIBIA  659,000  750,000


NAMIBIA 659,000 750,000

14 Dec 2021

NAMIBIA | IPC ACUTE FOOD INSECURITY ANALYSIS 4 PROJECTED SITUATION OVERVIEW (DECEMBER 2021 - MARCH 2022) Some of the regions have experienced drought for a period of seven years Key Assumptions for the consecutively and, in the projected period of analysis (December 2021 – March 2022), projected period will not have yet recovered from the effects of the shocks. [...] This will due to the impacts of COVID-19 and to the imply loss of incomes due to layoffs and unavailability of casual labour farm jobs. [...] Risk factors to monitor • Prices for staple commodities • Informal cross-border food trade • The impact of COVID-19 on food security • Inflation and its impact on the Namibian Dollar • Seasonal rainfall performance • African Migratory Locust infestations across the country • Flooding in the areas that are likely to receive above-normal rainfall • The drought situation in Kunene, Omusati, Erongo an. [...] The analysis focused on Food Insecurity? the current period of October to November 2021 and the projection period of December to March 2022. [...] The IPC is a set of tools and procedures to classify the severity and characteristics The data used for analysis were collected from the regions based on sampling that was guided of acute food and nutrition crises as well by the Namibia Statistics Agency.
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