cover image: chesapeake currents maryland - Advocating for Virtual Access


chesapeake currents maryland - Advocating for Virtual Access

28 Sep 2022

The stories of working-class communities are About a third of the site is given over to the National often lost or erased, making it hard to remember Park Service’s National Capital East headquarters the recipes for collectively organizing for a better and the United States Park Police headquarters, future. [...] Little of effort to document and elevate the collective vision significance has happened in the fifteen years since and stories of people who have been working to the law was passed. [...] As part of of past contamination caused during prior use of that effort, we are working with students from the the site by the Navy, the Architect of the Capitol, Georgetown University McCourt Policy Innovation and the D. [...] As a member of the House Committees on Ways and Means and Science, Space, and Technology, and as co-Chairman of the Safe Climate Caucus, he has dedicated himself to leaving this world better than we inherited it and keeping Virginia and our country moving forward by making smart investments that lower costs to the American taxpayer while protecting the air, land, and water. [...] As a member of the Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition, she has dedicated herself to fighting climate change, protecting our air and water, promoting renewable energy and environmental justice, and prioritizing pro-environment legislation, like the Inflation Reduction Act — the most consequential piece of legislation Congress has ever passed to tackle the threat of climate change and promot.
Published in
United States of America