Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica. Los dilemas del siglo XXI.


Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica. Los dilemas del siglo XXI.

24 May 2022

Dilemmas of the 21st century Abstract: The next Summit of the Americas to be held in Los Angeles in the context of the migratory crisis in the United States gives rise to a reflection on the relations of this country with Latin America as a whole. [...] The German general Houshofer defined geopolitics as “the study of the great vital connection of today's man in today’s space, and its aim is the insertion of the individual in his natural environment and the coordination of the phenomenon that link the state with space”. [...] The independence and birth of the US meant the emergence of a new political system that made the country a beacon of light, leading it to embark on a kind of apostolic work, and to which would be added the Protestant ethic and the Calvinist conception of redemption through work that stems from the Founding Fathers' own discourse.4 The result of this combination of ideas would be an entire moral ph. [...] To this effect, in the second half of the 1840s, the Polk Administration would come up with the idea of Manifest Destiny, which is the natural result of the feeling of superiority towards the southern countries, which are the object of a "special interest". [...] It is also at the mercy of the US in its geographical position as a regional leader, with the level of geopolitical asymmetry maintained: The US is more important to any country in the hemisphere than any of them are to the US.18 Notably, and in a return to the past, during the Trump administration the idea of the "axis of evil" was reformulated with reference to the Ibero American case, and made.
latin america, ibero-america, united states, migrations, drug trafficking, trade


Federico Aznar

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