cover image: The African Centre for Global Health and Social Transformation


The African Centre for Global Health and Social Transformation

30 Apr 2019

The findings of this study were used to inform policy makers and advocate for improved quality of teaching and learning in health training institutions in Tanzania including the provision of appropriate infrastructure, deployment of competent tutors/instructors and capacity building in the instructional methods and skills. [...] Partner updates, Introduction of African Centre for Global Health and Social Transformation into the network Members of the CSOs network steering committee 2.2.4 Mapping of CSOs and partners in RH, HRH,L&G in Malawi This was carried out to assess their capacity with the aim of developing the necessary skills for lobby and advocacy in HRH, SRHR and Leadership and governance 2.2.5 HRH budget analysi. [...] The focus areas included the CHEW campaign, research, opening up spaces at the EAC and the AU 2.2.10 ACHEST supported WEMOS through the newly formed Global CSO Coalition on HRH to participate in the review of the WHO code on the migration of Health workers by providing them with regional and country Knowledge and evidence. [...] The 7 theme of the conference was “Towards Achieving Universal Health Coverage, Creating Synergies and Capacity through Education, Research and Quality Care The Objectives of the Symposiusm were: • To share experiences on research and education in health sciences on the move towards UHC. [...] ACHEST held advocacy at the; WHA, World Health Summit and to the Government of Japan, the International Primary Health Care Conference and the Networks of African Parliamentary Committees on Health and the Uganda Parliamentary Health Committee.
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