An independent appraisal of the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard


An independent appraisal of the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard

9 Dec 2022

WRES is the creation of a cohort of ideologically-minded individuals who benefit from the programme, while the costs are left to patients and the taxpayer. [...] 4 Official documentation reveals the purpose of WRES: ‘It is intended that the metrics would encourage or oblige organisations to conduct root cause analyses as to the causes of the inequality that exists with the intention of driving change, rather than just compliance with the metrics. [...] The second was that this should be done not at the expense of poorer members of the community, but of the well to do.’34 There was never any intention of equality of outcomes, but rather equality of opportunity, that healthcare be comprehensive and free at the point of demand. [...] ▪ is part of a network of professionals across the NHS who will advocate, oversee and champion the implementation of the WRES and improving the experiences of BME staff and patients. [...] Coghill recently wrote an article, again for the HSJ, in which she sought to explain the reluctance for the promises of WRES to materialise, saying, ‘… unsurprisingly the data showed little movement in terms of improvements of the experiences of non-white staff in the NHS’.53 She writes that ‘we were all a bit naïve’ but that the world has changed, citing the pandemic, Brexit, Trump and Boris John.


Richard Norrie

Published in
United Kingdom
