Newsfromtheteam EUpesticideregulationandGreenDealunderheavyattack 1MillionEUcitizenstellEUCommission:endthewaragainstnature EUCommissiongivesgreenlightforanotherdeadlyGlyphosateyear CourtCaseinBelgiumtobanbeekillerproduct Toxicpesticideco-formulantsa


Newsfromtheteam EUpesticideregulationandGreenDealunderheavyattack 1MillionEUcitizenstellEUCommission:endthewaragainstnature EUCommissiongivesgreenlightforanotherdeadlyGlyphosateyear CourtCaseinBelgiumtobanbeekillerproduct Toxicpesticideco-formulantsa

15 Dec 2022

That would be a slap in the face of the 1,1 million Europeans that filed an official request to drastically reduce pesticide use in the Save Bees and Farmers EU Citizens Initiative. [...] The Commission is trying to transfer the burden of assessing their toxicity onto the shoulders of Member States, while not ensuring they receive sufficient information from the industry to carry out the work. [...] Fruit and vegetables are the group where the highest number of pesticide residues have been detected with 41% of the samples contaminated. [...] It denounces that Spain is the European state with the worst official controls on pesticides in food, with 3 samples per 100.000 inhabitants, compared to the European average of 17. [...] Please support our work! Our work to eliminate the use of toxic pesticides is more important than ever before! With your support, we can change policies and practices for the better protection of our health and environment.
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