Comprehensive Voter Engagement - September 7, 2022


Comprehensive Voter Engagement - September 7, 2022

9 Sep 2022

Quiz: Paper or Digital? What should your organization’s voter engagement strategy look like and which Nonprofit VOTE resources can help? Who are you trying to reach? A: Low-income voters and those without state IDs, older voters, or voters who use your services. [...] C: Your staff, volunteers, or supporters of your organization or cause or voters who speak a language other than english at home. [...] Where or how do you interact with them? A: In-person when providing services (either at your organization, clients’ homes, or a recurring venue) B: In-person at community events, while door knocking, or at neighborhood hot spots (like a bus station, grocery store, or public park) C: Via your website, newsletter, social media, text campaigns, or phone call What strengths or limitations exist? A: St. [...] Limitations - staff or volunteers are too busy to assist voters one-on-one or are trying to minimize close interactions for health/safety reasons. [...] Resources to fit your needs Whether your work will be paper- based, blended, or digital, Nonprofit VOTE has materials to help Printable materials // Paper-based Printable materials // Paper-based Voting in Your State Digital integration // Blended organizing Use to: •Pledge/sign up for reminders •Check their registration status •Register to vote • If they don’t have a state issu.
Published in
United States of America
