cover image: La Conférence pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe: étapes, procédures, contenus


La Conférence pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe: étapes, procédures, contenus

5 Nov 2021

Together ·with the rest of the world, Europe has an interest in lowering the intensity of the ·, I• confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States. [...] The iP-itiatian of discusSions on the balanced _reduction of forces bet·w·een NATO and the Warsaw Pact has been delayed apparently due to the desire of the East to hold. [...] What could and should be the objects of such a conference ? The members of the North Atlantic pact and the institutions of the pact organization as such on the one hand, the members of the ·war saw Pact and its institutional organs on the ~ther hand have, in official and less official exchanges, expr.essed their views on_ the desirability and the possible contents of such a conference. [...] Desirable in the sense of making the best use of the wealth of a nation, and· desirable also in the .sense of mairitaining·a proper international balance of power. [...] The task at hand, therefore, seems to be the setting up of specialized machinery for the thorough and Continuous investigati~n of the problem and the drafting of proposals.
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