Council of Christian approaches to defence and disarmament


Council of Christian approaches to defence and disarmament

5 Nov 2021

demands for a society in which the weak, the helpless and the nonconformist and stranger are heard and ~rotected, and one in which the spirit of man can continue his discovery of the wonderful mysteries of God. [...] The Wohlstetters, the Brennans, the Nitzes lost the argument that the US should have a defensive strategic option (at least at a low level) to the public belief that mutual assured destruction reduced both the temptations and the risks to either side that initiation of nuclear war could be. [...] HUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION: A REVIEH To understand the new American strategic debate and Hhat the modifications to the US strategic posture and doctrine pu1~crt to accom- plish, it is Horth attempting to review the origins of the concept of assun~d destruction~ why it came to dominate much American strategic thinking~ and the role it has played in the development of the US strategic posture and do. [...] After the Napoleonic· era, the grmers to revert to hostages, threats, and retaliation as the elements of strategy~ The great difficulty in the modern era is that ·such large portions of populations have become the hostages and the potential targets of re- taliation on both sides, that t.
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