cover image: Arab-European dialogue: thirdh session


Arab-European dialogue: thirdh session

5 Nov 2021

Moreover, the strategic importance of the Gulf and the magnitude of its oil resources, coupled with the threat of escalation of the war has led to the deployment of considerable naval forces: American, Russian and European, adding to the risks of touching off a wider conflagration. [...] when differences in perception whether in the Arab world ·:···.· or between the two superpowers on the nature and - the extent of the UN resolution and its provisions, coupled with the d~termination of the Iranian leadership at the top to prosecute the war to its bitter end against Iraq are taken into consideration. [...] The rush to establish diplomatic relations between Egypt and several other Arab states in the wake of the Amman summit is an indication of the importance the Arab states attach to Egypt. [...] Egypt has evolved its commitment to the proposal for an international peace conference to be held under the auspices of the United Nations with the participation of all the parties concerned in the Arab-Israeli dispute and attended by the five permanent members of the Security Council. [...] The high hopes that ens•ued from the Amman summit of 1980 and the declaration of the Arab Development Decade contrast sharply with the current inability of the Arab states to ·coordinate their economic policies in the face of an unstable and deteriorating international economic scene.
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