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22 Nov 2021

After the subordination of the Khanates ofKazan and Astrakhan in the middle of the XVI century the dominant frames of mind and aspirations of Russian authorities (mostly and first of all - the local ones) consisted in the rather obvious eagerness of turning the Muslims into the Christians. [...] The mullahs were included in the structure of the gcncrnl gowrnmcntul service and the Muslim aristocracy was granted the status of the Russ'ian nobility. [...] There is a hope that a newly organized in Moscow (after the dissolution of the former USSR) the Institute of Islamic Civilization (IIC), would be able to continue such a fallible tradition of Islamic studies , as well as of the propagation of the values of the Muslim culture in the very important field for now-day Russia .. [...] Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the joining of the new Nordic member countries in the Mid-1990's the EU has started a new phase in its development. [...] The aim of this contribution is to study how the attitudes of the EU towards the religions is developing in the 1990's.
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