Council of Christian approaches to defence and disarmament


Council of Christian approaches to defence and disarmament

4 Nov 2021

16 According to a leaked report, in the NSC consideration of 17 the now famous Presidential Review Memorandum 10, one of the 18 options proposed in the event of a Soviet attack in Europe was 19 a tactical retreat or fallback which would leave the Russian 20 forces in occupation of a third of Federal Republic territory, 21 including Bavaria to the Lech. [...] Since the plan is a) to 15 ratify Vladivostok, b) to reach tentative agreements for three 16 years on the cruise missile, the Backfire bomber and the Russian 17 heavy ICBM as well as c) to agree on principles for a SALT III 18 negotiation,, the complexity of the task of satisfying both the 19 Russian negotiators and the U. [...] In this present discussion on strategy, the following points are put forward: - the credibility of a concept of deterrence is called into doubt, the ultimate consequence of which is said to result in suicide; instead, the notion of territorial defense in depth by conventional means is suggested, as the type of arms and organisation involved would make an escalation up to the nuclear stage unlikely. [...] promised, to respect the security interests of the other governments and to promote cooperation in the fields referred to in Baskets !I and III; - the Principles !I (Refraining From the Threat or Use of Force), III (Inviolability of Frontiers), and IV (Terri- torial Integrity of States) serve to guarantee the status quo; while this recognition of the status quo initially met Eastern security inter. [...] Objections against a first-strike ban should not be raised on the grounds of refraining from the use of force, but rather because of the arbitrary limitation of the means of self-defence, which is permitted by Article 51 of the UN Charta.
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