cover image: *Richmond Air Monitoring Network: Penultimate Report


*Richmond Air Monitoring Network: Penultimate Report

15 Dec 2022

Similarly, industrial areas near the Richmond Parkway to the west and I-580 to the south experienced persistently high ambient concentrations of BC, especially during the winter months and in the morning and evening commuter hours. [...] Additional investigations on the influence of other air pollutants not measured by RAMN, such as air toxics and VOCs in particular, and the impacts of cumulative environmental, health, and socioeconomic burdens are needed to more comprehensively investigate the high prevalence of poor health outcomes experienced by the Richmond-San Pablo community. [...] Long-term exposure to NO2 may contribute to the development of asthma.24 The concentration of NO2 in the air rises and falls during the day and varies seasonally, depending on combustion activity, atmospheric chemistry, and meteorology. [...] I-80 to the east and I-580 to the south are emissions hot spots in the region, followed by the Richmond Parkway (west) and sections of Rumrill Boulevard. [...] The major highways—I-80 to the east and I-580 to the south—are the main hotspots for PM2.5 and NOx emissions, as well as the Richmond Parkway to the west and sections of Rumrill Boulevard.
Published in
United States of America
